Sunday, August 26, 2012

Girl's Nights and Rainy Day in Cullera

Spanish Dryer
8/20 The week in review: On Monday night Bárbara invited me out to dinner with her old school friend Sandra in the Benimaclet neighborhood of Valencia. We had some beers and some girl talk, and I made use of my Spanish fan- it’s still SO HOT all the time! Then on Tuesday 8/21 I really did nothing except go to class, read on the beach, and do my laundry. In Spain, because utility bills are so high, nobody ever uses a dryer. It’s something us spoiled Americans have to adapt to when we come live in Europe- but I will say at this point, I think I have mastered the art of pinning my clothes to the drying rack on our balcony. If nothing else, I will now truly appreciate the fact that at home, I can always use a dryer and that doing laundry isn’t weather-dependent! On 8/22 I had class again, and then that evening went to dinner with Bárbara and her Valencian friends Patri and Paula at this “all you can eat” Chinese buffet place. It was delicious!  The next two days 8/23 & 8/24 I had my final two conversation classes at the Don Quijote building. I treated Bárbara to tapas one night near our apartment as a "treat myself for going to class and not skipping to go the beach" present. Then on Friday night Bárbara, Patri and I met up with Whitney to have dinner at this super cute place called “Miss Sushi”. I don’t like sushi, but the decorations are so adorable inside the restaurant that it made up for it- and they served chicken fried rice. So, we had a good night again of drinking sangria and having girl talk- in Spanish mind you!
At Miss Sushi for Dinner!
The New Couch!
On 8/25 Bárbara and I had a lazy Saturday of lounging around, until the new couch for our piso arrived.  In Spain, almost all apartments come fully furnished, and if you want new furniture you have to request it of the landlord. So, Bárbara had requested a new couch to replace our janky old one about a month ago, and finally it had arrived! The worker crew set it up, but then we were left with the old couch and not sure how to get rid of it. Luckily, her Dad come over and with a hammer slowly broke it down into little pieces which we then took out to the dumpster via the elevator bit-by-bit. On the way down I sustained a battle wound- a large scratch on my shin. I’m just getting beat up these days! On the plus side, with the new couch our little piso looks cuter than ever. We cleaned up and did a little photo shoot of it, being the girls that we are. Now to top off the weekend, on Sunday (8/26) Bárbara and I met up with a girl named Lorena, and we had plans for her to drive us to the family beach house of another friend named Díana. I got to sit up front in the car for the hour drive to the small beachside town of Cullera. Lorena doesn’t speak much English, but she is trying to learn, so we took turns alternating languages. Luckily for me, the majority of our chats were in Spanish. I am typically excited about every opportunity to get to speak and practice lately, although sometimes I really do get a bit self-conscious. Unfortunately, that’s part of the process though. If you can’t laugh at yourself and your mistakes, then don’t even bother- because mistakes WILL happen!

View of the Ocean from Diana's Pool
Anyways, once we got all situated and introduced to each other, we grabbed our bocadillos and headed down to the beach. I had technically been to Cullera before when I was studying abroad, but I didn’t get to see much of it, so I was excited to have a second chance. It’s a quaint little Spanish pueblo on the mountains next to the beach, and it is definitely very scenic. There is even a cave there where an infamous Spanish pirate used to port to hide his treasures in! Yes, it’s a nerd fact, but in my opinion it’s awesome and I was excited about it. So, we all laid out our blankets and ate our food, and before we knew it a huge rainstorm had blown in! This was very unfortunate because it rarely rains in the Valencia area, so it was just bad luck that it would rain on our beach day. Not knowing what else to do we ran back to Díana’s parent’s condo, and hung out in there to finish up our food. Since the condo facility also has a pool, we spent some time down there, lying on lounge chairs under a balcony while it was raining. At one point I braved a dip in the pool but it was pretty chilly. Despite that, I was happy to get to practice my Spanish with Lorena and Díana- they are both really nice, sweet girls who made me feel comfortable, and for that I was grateful! I also found a bunch of snails and took some stalker photos of them of course. That evening, the rain finally stopped and so we went into town for some dessert. We walked the scenic little beach walk of Cullera, and got to see the old castle on the hill from a distance. We got ice-cream at a little place by the water, and before I knew it we had to part ways and head back to Valencia. The one positive thing about the rain though was that we decided we’d have to come back and do it all again on a nicer day!
Me, Diana and Lorena!

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