Monday, July 23, 2012

Vitznau & Mount Rigi

Cogwheel Train from Vitznau to Mount Rigi
First thing in the morning we went to the tourism office to book our tour for tomorrow, and the one for today. With our all-inclusive ticket we were ready to face the day! We went to the dock in Lucerne, and took another scenic boat ride to the city of Vitznau. From there, we took a cog-wheel train up the steep mountain track onto the stunning Mount Rigi. The top of the mountain is known as Rigi-Kulm, and as soon as we got off the train, we were greeted with its fantastic view. I didn’t think it could get prettier, but this view was possibly better than the one we had at Eagle’s Nest a few days ago.

On Top of the World!
After an expensive and small lunch on the mountaintop, we took the trail to the top of the mountain. I don’t really know how else to describe it other than to say it was AMAZING. The weather was perfect, and you could see for miles around. We were on top of the world! The cows grazing in the fields all had bells on and with the constant chiming and the wind and the mountains, it felt straight out of a story book. I was extra excited because I saw baby cows, and a baby sheep. Best thing ever. From our vantage point, we could see sights in France, Germany, and even  Liechtenstein. The snow covered peaks were the most gorgeous part though. We spent a long time just walking around on the top of the mountain, taking in the spectacular views. It was so peaceful up there, and not crowded at all like some summit points are.  After a few hours enjoying the beauty of the Alps, we took the train back down the too-steep hills, and back into Vitznau.
The boat ride back to Lucerne was again very scenic. Once back in town, we ate dinner at an Italian place called La Terrazza with a great view of the lake and the old bridges. The three of us ordered 2 pizzas,  bruschetta, and tap water, and our bill was $45. Also the whole time we were sitting there, there were tons of spiders behind me and I had no idea. Gross. We walked around the town some more and enjoyed the lively atmosphere. Though we didn’t necessarily have as busy of a day as usual, it was easily one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen in my life, and the three of us ladies will always have this great memory of Mount Rigi.

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