Monday, July 9, 2012

And so it begins

After hours upon hours of planning, and days of anxiety, and finalizing plans and then having to re-do everything, I am finally READY and off to Europe for the next few months! Problems with flights, visas, the language program, roomie schedules; all of this went down since I quit my job on June 8th. The plan I originally had has been revamped, revised and essentially redone 100%. Despite this though, I believe everything happens for a reason, and I am relieved to say I am finally READY! Flight leaves from Cincinnati to Munich, Germany this Thursday. Can't wait! :)
Fitting all my clothes/accessories into 2 bags for several months!
Now the hardest part is packing! As a girl who loves her accessories, it's not easy putting all the clothes and shoes you'll want for the next several months into just one backpack.

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