Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mount Titlis, Switzerland

The stunning view from Mount Titlis

We began our day by lunching at yet another pricy Swiss restaurant. We skipped breakfast because it’s just too much money! We made a quick shopping trip to the train station, and I bought an ugly sweater solely because I needed it and didn’t pack enough warm clothing. After buying our large diet cokes (in true American style), we were picked up a by a giant, very multicultural 2-story tour bus. The bus took us out to Mount Titlis (pr­­­onounced Tit-Less, go ahead and laugh now), which was a 1 hour drive away from Lucerne to the city of Engelberg.­­­­ On the way there, Rachel and I slept and my mom had anxiety about the heights she’d have to be dealing with.

Once we arrived, we took a gondola up the lower mountains. It was dangling rather precariously and I wasn’t the biggest fan of it myself. Once we arrived to a certain point, we all got out and got onto a revolving cable car. Each car held about 40 people, and it would spin while you were going up the mountain so that you could see all of the views. During this time, Maryann was flipping out. She stood in the middle with her eyes closed, it was pretty funny actually. While on the cable car, we started chatted with a solo traveler from our group named Yvonne. She’s from New York but was in Europe to visit her family in Slovakia. She was by herself, so we ended up spending the day with her. I hope she enjoyed the company! Once we arrived to the peak of the mountain, we were instantly walking on snow. It’s a bit strange to see snow in July, but I loved it!
Top of Mount Titlis

Standing on a glacier
 The first thing we decided to do was take a small chairlift called “The Ice Glider” that goes over a glacier. You could see deep down into the glacial crevasses, which was cool, but it was also a bit scary to be dangling over it. When we got to the bottom of the glacier they had sleds that you could ride down a portion of it. Rachel, Yvonne, and I did this, but it didn’t turn out so well. Our sleds sort of crashed so we ended up having snow all over us, and wet jeans are no fun. After that, we headed back up to the main terrace on the mountain peak and enjoyed the spectacular views. It was extremely beautiful, and very cool to see all of the glaciers and snow, but somehow I still enjoyed yesterday’s views better. Titlis was a bit too crowded with tourists and there wasn’t as much freedom in regards to where you could hike around. Don’t get me wrong though, it was still amazing!

My new Swiss Swatch!
Once our time at Titlis was up, we were back in downtown Lucerne. Us three ladies decided to go on a little shopping spree. Rachel and I ended up buying typical Swiss “Swatch” watches- I love mine!! Then, we walked around and explored the medieval portion of the city and the bridge built in 1490. The one thing about the bridge was that it had all of these paintings on the top panels, and each painting somehow had a skull incorporated into it. It was a bit creepy for sure. For dinner, we ate at Pickwick’s British Pub solely because it was “cheap-ish”. We got some of our beloved gelato and strolled the town at sunset. As the sun was going down, we said goodbye to this beautiful Swiss town.
Hanging out on a medieval bridge in Luzern

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